28 May 2020, Kathmandu: The then Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) declared Peoples’ War on February, 1996. And, as the Peoples’ War proceeded, the issues like the end of 240 year old monarchy, federalism, republic, secularism and proportionate and inclusive representation of all sections of society were put forward.
At that time, parliamentary parties used to say that these issues should not be raised. However, the Peoples’ War was successful to bring these political parties to the agreement on these issues. Now, there is federalism in the country; the state has been restructured. We have completed the political revolution and are moving towards the direction of economic revolution.
While celebrating 13th Republic Day, we must say that our working style, thinking and tendencies are still old. Because of this, the common people have not been able to feel the achieving of republic as they wish.
Nevertheless, these were not the issues of non-maoist parties. Similarly, the bureaucracy was not willing and cooperative. But they were also compelled to embrace these issues due to people’s pressure. Despite unwillingness of parliamentary parties, republic was inevitable because of sacrifice of the republic loving, change oriented great Nepali people. Today, a system is in place where a common citizen can be head of the country.
In terms of gender, class, caste, region, not only in the far west and far-east but also in remote mountains and villages, the people were cheated, despised, and suppressed by the old system. But today, there is environment of representation of all of them. This is a positive change.
Today, it is said that the political course have been completed. However, it will be fulfilled only when there will be a situation where the great martyrs’ dreams, and suppressed Nepali peoples’ desire of a prosperous Nepal and happy Nepali people will be realized.
The Republic day will be worth it on the day when the government will have true respect to the martyrs, revealing of the disappeared ones and high respect for them, hear the voice of workers, peasants, landless and create favourable situation for their basic needs such as food, accommodation, clothing, education, health and employment. Likewise in the dreadful time of Covid-19 pandemic when the whole world is suffering, the government should be able to protect all Nepalis living in Nepal and abroad from the corona infection by right coordination and management of this crisis.
Thus, our organization, All Nepal Federation of Trade Union (ANTUF) on the occasion of 13th Republic Day would like to express best wishes along with heartfelt condolences to the great martyrs of Peoples’ War, high respect to the disappeared fighters, speedy recovery of the injured and physically disabled fighters, and to the working class in Nepal and abroad.